Please put the values of your N-DOC Test Results and the size of your Aquarium here:
Amount of N
Amount of P
Aquarium size in L

Please enter values "N" and "L" above to get the results.
Add daily 12,01 ml of CYA-No to your Aquarium for 14 days.
If cyanobacteria remains continue dosing for 7 days or until issue is resolved.
If cyanobacteria bloom remains the same or is increasing, cease dosing.
Caution: overdose can cause algae growth. Without N-DOC testing treatment length should not exceed 1 month.

Please enter all values above to get the results.
RTN-X Dosage Intense
1. Add -- ml of NO Beta and -- ml of P Beta or Alpha to your Aquarium.
2. Wait 20 min.
3. Take -- ml of aquarium water out of your tank and dose -- ml of RTN-X to it. Mix and wait 20 min.
4. Shut down all circulation pumps (reduce current as much as possible).
5. Pour prepared solution around the area of RTN creating a cloud that surrounds the coral. If the coral is positioned deep in the tank.
then it may need to be targeted with a syringe.6. Leave for a minimum of 5 minutes before turning circulation pumps back on.
7. Important: After intensive treatment, dose the daily dosage amount for 21 days.
RTN-X Dosage Daily
To prevent RTN dose daily -- ml.

Please enter all values above to get the results.
STN-X Dosage Intense
1. Add -- ml of NO Beta and -- ml of P Beta or Alpha to your aquarium.
aquarium2. Wait 20 min
3. Take -- ml of aquarium water out of your tank and dose -- ml of STN-X to it. Mix and wait 20 min.
4. Shut down all circulation pumps (reduce current as much as possible).
5. Pour prepared solution around the area of STN creating a cloud that surrounds the coral. If the coral is positioned deep in the tank.
then it may need to be targeted with a syringe.6. Leave for a minimum of 5 minutes before turning circulation pumps back on.
7. Important: After intensive treatment, dose the daily dosage amount for 21 days.
STN-X Dosage Daily
To prevent RTN dose daily -- ml